Bowhunting 101: How to Choose the Best Hunting Arrow Setup

Selecting the best arrow for hunting is an often overlooked part of dialing in your bowhunting setup. Most hunters (for whitetails especially) don’t spend enough time considering what arrows to use. This guide will help you choose the best hunting arrow for your situation.

Bow Specs

To choose the best hunting arrow, you need to consider the specs of your bow. This includes your draw length, draw weight & bow speed rating. Enlisting the help of your local archery pro shop is wise. But becoming familiar with your bow’s specs will be helpful as you consider different arrow options or want to alter your setup down the road.

Your draw length will be the biggest factor in determining the length of your arrows. Once you have the proper arrow length, you can note your bow’s draw weight & speed rating and reference the various arrow manufacturers’ arrow spine charts. This will help you determine the proper spine for your arrows.

Easton Archery hunting arrow spine selection chart

This chart from Easton (one of the largest arrow manufacturers) shows an example of how your arrow length and draw weight influence which arrow spine is right for you.

Choosing Arrow Components

After selecting the arrow shafts, you should select the fletching and broadheads you would like to use. On many occasions, arrows will come pre-fletched, which is perfectly fine.

For broadheads, the options are endless. Fixed blade broadheads and mechanical broadheads are the two main variations, and within each type many different designs are available.

Feel free to test out as many different broadhead styles and designs as you like.


Achieving a straight, consistent arrow flight is crucial when you finally have your sights settled on a game animal and prepare to release an arrow. Once you have selected your preferred hunting arrow, be sure to tune your arrows to your bow.

This can be done with the help of your local archery pro shop or by setting up your own paper tuning rigs at home. Whatever method you choose, be sure to check your bow’s tune in order to maximize the potential of your chosen hunting arrows.

Be sure to check out the rest of the Bowhunting 101 series to help you navigate outfitting your archery set up.